

现代的房主有很多事情要做. Keeping their homes comfortable 和 energy-efficient shouldn’t be one of them. 随着技术的飞跃, smart thermostats 和 HVAC zone control systems are fast becoming the go-to choice for many. 基夫暖通空调和电气公司, 从1979年起在新奥尔良家喻户晓, is here to guide you through this transition 和 make it seamless.

Choosing the right thermostat installation services is crucial for your home’s comfort 和 efficiency. Whether you’re leaning towards traditional thermostats or exploring the benefits of smart thermostats, 我们是值得信任的名字. 我们有着丰富的历史, 服务范围广, 并承诺让客户满意, we aim to make your thermostat transition smooth 和 hassle-free. Upgrade today 和 step into the future of home 加热 和 cooling!



在新奥尔良的中心, homeowners are rapidly catching on to the advantages of updated 加热 和 cooling systems, 尤其是随着智能十大电子游戏平台的出现. As your local thermostat installers, 基夫暖通空调和电气公司 offer unmatched expertise. Whether you’re replacing an old thermostat or setting up a br和 new system, 我们训练有素的专业人员会帮你的.

传统的对. 智能十大电子游戏平台

Traditional thermostats have served homes faithfully for years. They’re simple, easy to operate, 和 generally get the job done. However, the advent of smart thermostats has turned the tables. These new-age devices not only allow homeowners to control their home’s temperature settings remotely but also adapt to their preferences over time. 结果? 提高舒适度,并可能减少能源费用.


Imagine adjusting your home’s temperature from your workplace or even from a vacation spot. 智能十大电子游戏平台让这一切成为现实. With intuitive temperature settings, these devices give you complete control over your HVAC system. Whether you want to cool down your home before you arrive or ensure the 加热 system doesn’t run unnecessarily while you’re away, 这些十大电子游戏平台支持你.

If you need a new thermostat, going more modern is smarter in the long run. Regardless of the size of your home or your preferred indoor temperature, our range of thermostats will meet all of your 加热 和 cooling needs all year long.


  • Programmable thermostats allow for a variety of energy-efficient 和 smart options to keep your home comfortable without breaking the bank with intense energy bills.
  • Our team of professional HVAC technicians has leagues of experience installing these devices, meaning that you can trust us to complete your thermostat installation with no issues.

If you need assistance with keeping your home feeling comfortable all of the time, 不要等到为时已晚. Contact our team today to set up an appointment 和 get the perfect thermostat for your daily life!

The simplicity of smart thermostats isn’t all that we can do. Zone control systems are the 加热 和 cooling methods of the future, 具有广泛的灵活性和令人印象深刻的效率. 他们的受欢迎程度正在上升, especially for bigger homes where many spaces are underutilized or poorly insulated.

There are plenty of reasons you should consider investing in a zone control system for your home. 以下是其中一些值得考虑的:

  • 区域可以按照你的要求进行编程, whether it be individual rooms or entire floors of a townhome.
  • If your home has people who prefer very different temperatures throughout the year, 现在,没有人需要在分区制度上妥协.
  • 多亏了我们先进的分区功能, you won’t waste electricity 加热 和 cooling rooms that you never use.
  • Whether you go for a more straightforward dual-zone thermostat or go a bit more complicated with a multi-zone option, the same amazing perks of smart thermostats carry over to the zone control system

Our dual-zone thermostats 和 multi-zone 加热 control system are definitely worth your consideration. Whether using it to keep your most-used rooms cool in the summer heat or to keep every member of the family with the perfect temperature bedroom, we promise that our systems can transform your home for the better. Contact us today for more information on how our multi-zone 加热 和 cooling control systems can work for you!

  • 经历很重要: Serving the New Orleans community since 1979, we bring unmatched expertise to the table. Our trained technicians can h和le everything from a simple thermostat repair to a full-blown HVAC zone control system installation.
  • 综合服务除了安装,我们还提供一系列的服务. Whether your existing thermostat is acting up or you need advice on selecting a new device, 我们是来帮忙的.
  • 以客户为中心的方法在棋牌电子游戏平台 's,我们把顾客放在首位. 我们的技术人员会解决您的问题, 指导您完成安装过程, 和 even teach you how to maximize the benefits of your new system.


准备好切换了? Whatever your thermostat-related needs, 基夫暖通空调和电气公司 is here for you. 凭借数十年的经验, 对客户满意的承诺, 和 a deep underst和ing of both traditional 和 smart thermostats, we are your go-to thermostat installers in New Orleans 和 the surrounding areas.

Remember, upgrading your thermostat isn’t just about modernizing. 它是关于提高你的家庭效率, 节省能源费用, 无论季节如何,都能保证舒适.

那么为什么还要等待呢?? Let our experts guide you through the options, benefits, 和 installation process. 

我们也提供 空调加热 services to improve your comfort 和 restore your peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule your smart thermostat installation 和 kickstart your journey toward a smarter, 更高效的家居!

